Summer Round of Simon Cumbers Media Fund to Explore Development Issues

Journalists and media professionals with an interest in reporting on issues in the developing world are invited to apply for funding under the Summer 2015 round of the Simon Cumbers Media Fund.simoncumberslogo

The Fund is designed to facilitate more and better quality media coverage of development issues in the Irish media.

Applications from all media disciplines are encouraged and in particular from journalists who wish to report on the modern reality of life in developing countries, including the areas of business, innovation, education, health, climate change, and entrepreneurship.

Announcing the latest funding round, Minister for Development, Trade Promotion, and North South Co-operation, Sean Sherlock, TD, said:

“The Simon Cumbers Fund gives Irish journalists a unique opportunity to travel to developing countries and to see for themselves the realities of modern life in these communities.

“2015 is a crucial year for the future of our world. In September, a meeting of the world’s leaders will agree a new international agenda, which will shape all our development efforts over the following 15 years, while legally binding commitments on climate change are scheduled to be agreed in Paris in December.

“All too often development issues are viewed from afar, but getting Irish journalists on the ground makes a real difference. Their quality reporting facilitates a better understanding for Irish people of the progress and challenges in these countries, and the close connections with Ireland.”

“2015 is also the European Year for Development so it is a great opportunity for Irish news organisations to apply for this funding. As co-chair of the negotiations on universal Sustainable Development Goals, Ireland will play a leading role in ensuring these negotiations deliver a fairer and more equal world for all citizens.

Photographers who apply to the Summer 2015 round can also apply for funding to present a photographic exhibition. Judges will assess their application against criteria which includes the reach of the exhibition and its potential to further raise understanding of development issues among Irish audiences.

A workshop for prospective applicants to the Summer 2015 round will take place on Thursday, 16th April at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Iveagh House, 79 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 from 11am-1pm. Representatives from the Fund and Irish Aid will attend to provide details of themes and guidelines that must be observed by applicants.

Applicants are encouraged to focus on topics including, but not exclusive to: climate change, entrepreneurism in Africa, innovation, agriculture, food security, and the topic of ‘Women, Peace, and Security’.

The Fund was set up by Irish Aid in 2005 in memory of the late Irish journalist and cameraman, Simon Cumbers.

The deadline for the receipt of submissions to the Summer 2015 round is Friday, 15th May at 5pm.

Full details on how to apply are available from the Simon Cumbers Media Fund, or by emailing: The Fund also has active Twitter and Facebook profiles.