Jobbridge: NUJ survey

The National Union of Journalists is conducting a brief and confidential survey of its members working in the Republic of Ireland, to find out which media organisations engage JobBridge workers.nuj100

The NUJ passed a motion at its Delegate Meeting this year opposing JobBridge, which exploits vulnerable and unemployed people. The scheme provides employers with free labour, thereby blocking the creation of real jobs and taking work away from freelance journalists.

Whether you are employed by a media organisation or work for it on a freelance basis, the NUJ needs your assistance to find out which media organisations use JobBridge posts.

If the company you are employed by, or freelance for, employs JobBridge workers; please answer the questions in this short survey:

Please note that any information you give will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

This survey will be part of an overall campaign to oppose JobBridge and press for real journalism jobs and work for freelances.

If you do not know the answer to any of the questions simply write ‘don’t know’.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.