Gardaí demand access to media far right photos

The National Union of Journalists has expressed grave concern at the decision of An Garda Siochana to seek a court order compelling photographers to hand over images taken on the night of the Dublin far-right riots of the 23rd November 2023.
Séamus Dooley, Irish Secretary said the decision to try to force the photographic news agency to hand over images was “an extremely dangerous move” and could put at risk photographers covering public order incidents.NUJ logo: White text on green background
He said “I support the strong stand taken by Eamonn Farrell on this issue. Photojournalists are frequently the target of verbal and physical abuse. If they are perceived to be collecting images for An Garda Siochana they will be placed at greater risk. Journalists and photographers act as independent witnesses not as agents of the State. Our members play an important role in reporting incidents in the public interest and often take risks in doing so.
The nasty atmosphere in Dublin on 23rd November was captured by media organisations in the most difficult of circumstances.
A Media Engagement Group has been established to improve the safety of media workers and I intend raising this issue with the Group, which is operated by An Garda Síochána in association with media outlets and representative groups, including the NUJ”.