
Jobbridge Survey

Members of the NUJ in Ireland have received the JobBridge survey in the past week or so. Dublin Freelance branch has been pushing for action on JobBridge, but we need evidence, particularly where freelance work has been replaced by JobBridge people.

Please use the survey www.surveymonkey.com/s/jobbridge to tell us your experience. At meetings and  talking to branch officers face-to-face you have told us that  JobBridge is replacing freelance work; you can now use the survey responses to back that up.

Branch agm

Dublin Freelance Branch annual general meeting takes place on Monday January 17, 2015, in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 at 7pm.  The treasurer, Mr Scrooge, has grudgingly agreed to loosen the purse strings enough to buy a drink or two.

What is TTIP? Why do we need to know about it?

On December 11 at 6.15pm in the Teachers Club, Parnell Square, Dublin Branch invites  all NUJ  members to a discussion on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with Frank Keoghan, general president of the TEEU and a member of the Global Solidarity Committee of ICTU.

Recently, French services provider Veolia sued the Egyptian government for increasing minimum wages, thereby reducing its expected profit margins. A mechanism contained within TTIP, the investor-state dispute settlement or ISDS, effectively elevates transnational capital to a status equivalent to the nation-state itself, and threatens to undermine the most basic principles of democracy in EU member states.

According to Frank Keoghan and ICTU, this latest EU-US trade deal is a serious threat to democracy as governments will be discouraged from legislating for the common good for fear of litigation while the deregulation agenda will dismantle social protections that have taken decades of incremental legislative measures to install.

Further info from Therese Caherty, Dublin Branch, 086 0704036

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