Tag: #FreelanceForum

Hello Fediverse

The Blue Marble, a photograph of the planet Earth taken by Apollo 17 astronauts

This website is now available to the fediverse. For updates on #freelance #journalists, #FreelanceForum and the #NUJ in #Dublin, follow @freelance@dublinfreelance.org

Freelance Forum Autumn 2017

Freelance Forum is coming. Freelance Forum is a regular one day event designed to keep freelance journalists up to date with the latest developments in their industry. Aimed at writers, photographers and PR practitioners, and hoping to cover print, broadcast…

Freelance Forum Autumn 2016 is coming

Freelance Forum is coming. Freelance Forum is a regular one day event designed to keep freelance journalists up to date with the latest developments in their industry. Aimed at writers and photographers, and hoping to cover print, broadcast and online,…

Podcast: Freelance Forum Spring 2016

Listen back to highlights from Freelance Forum Spring 2016, organised by Dublin Freelance NUJ with support from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. Keynote by Karlin Lillington Irish Times technology correspondent Karlin Lillington outlines the issues raised for journalists in protecting…

Freelance Forum is coming

Freelance Forum is coming. Freelance Forum is a regular one day event designed to keep freelance journalists up to date with the latest developments in their industry. Aimed at writers and photographers, and hoping to cover print, broadcast and online,…

Freelance Forum Autumn 2015

Freelance Forum is coming. Keynote speaker Jody Clarke from the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) will open the Freelance Forum by speaking on Reporting the Refugee Crisis. Other topics and speakers include Pitching for broadcast and print; Negotiating…

Podcast: Freelance Forum Spring 2015

Listen back to highlights of the Spring 2015 Freelance Forum. Press Ombudsman Peter Feeney dublinfreelance · Freelance Forum: Press Ombudsman Peter Feeney Commissioning Irish Independent News Editor Kevin Doyle talks about pitching and commissioning at Freelance Forum Spring 2015 dublinfreelance…

Planning starts now for Freelance Forum Autumn 2015

Freelance Forum Spring 2015 took place yesterday, and so the planning starts now for our next event. Mark your diary, because Freelance Forum Autumn 2015 will take place on Monday 19 October. The first step in preparing for Forum Autumn…

Podcast: Freelance Forum Autumn 2014

The podcasts below cover some of the presentations at the Freelance Forum Autumn 2014. We hope these podcasts give an impression of the topics covered at the Forum. Bookmark the Dublin Freelance website for announcements regarding the next Forum in…

Podcast: Freelance Forum Spring 2014

The podcasts below cover some of the presentations at the Freelance Forum Spring 2014. Due to some technical snafus, the recordings are incomplete. However, it gives an impression of the topics covered at the Forum. Bookmark the Dublin Freelance website…