Aimed at writers, photographers and PR practitioners, and hoping to cover print, broadcast and online media, Freelance Forum is organised by Dublin Freelance NUJ branch with support from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.
Originally conceived as a series of one-day information and training seminars, the Forum adapted to Covid restrictions in 2020, presenting a combination of podcast interviews and live webinars online events in the Spring and Autumn of 2020 and 2021. In 2022, as restrictions ease, the Forum is returning to in-person events, in addition to a new series of original podcasts. The Freelance Forum podcasts can be accessed on Apple Podcasts or using any podcast client/podcatcher, or directly from Soundcloud.
Freelance Forum Episode 43: – Manchán Magan on Travel Writing
Manchán Magan talks about working as a travel journalist and writer, how travel journalism has changed since he began working in the field, and environmentally responsible travel journalism.
You can follow @ManchanMagan on Twitter, check out his latest books on his website and don’t forget to listen to his podcasts ‘The Almanac of Ireland’ and ‘Home Stories’.
Freelance Forum Episode 42: Rory Byrne of Security First
Rory Byrne, co-founder of Security First, talks about security measures for journalists.
Rory Byrne is the founder of Security First, an organisation that specialises in helping journalists and activists manage their digital and physical security. His work has ranged from dealing with nation state attacks on media organisations to responding to the kidnap of freelance journalists in the field.
You can follow @roryireland and @_securityfirst on Twitter.
Recorded live at Spring 2022 Freelance Forum on 11 April 2022 at Grangegorman TUD.
Freelance Forum Episode 41: Commissioning Editors
Berni Dwan speaks with Irish Examiner news editor Deirdre O’Shaughnessy and Dublin Inquirer co-founder Sam Tranum about commissioning, the kind of stories they are looking for, and what kind of pitch catches their eye.
Recorded live at Spring 2022 Freelance Forum on 11 April 2022 at Grangegorman TUD
You can follow Deirdre O’Shaughnessy(@deshocks), @SamTranum and Berni Dwan (@oldfilibuster) on Twitter.
Freelance Forum Episode 40: Writing Fiction.
Is there really a novel inside all of us? And if so, how do we get it out into the world?
Rachael English, Cormac O’Keeffe and Margaret Ward discuss the challenges and opportunities for journalists in writing fiction. Recorded live at Spring 2022 Freelance Forum on 11 April 2022 at Grangegorman TUD
You can follow @CormacJOKeeffe, @EnglishRachael and @MWardjourno on Twitter.
Freelance Forum Episode 39: Padraig O’Morain talks about life after Covid, and re-entering the world after time spent in lockdowns and social distancing. Recorded live at the Spring 2022 Freelance Forum in Grangegorman TU Dublin on 11 April 2022. Follow Padraig on Twitter.
Freelance Forum Episode 38: Irish journalist and Time magazine editor Jennifer Duggan talks about pitching to American news and magazine outlets. Now based in Dublin, Jennifer is a climate and environment writer who has previously working in New York and China. You can follow @jenniduggan on Twitter.
Freelance Forum Episode 37: Journalist Darren Boyle, winner of the 2021 Amazon Publishing New Voices Award for his thriller The Black Pool, talks about writing fiction in the crime genre, how it differs from factual reporting and ghostwriting, publishing, the pitfalls of self-publishing, and the creative process.
Freelance Forum Episode 36: Irish journalist Fergal Gallagher talks about working with ABC News, and about selling and pitching to editors and producers in the USA.
If there is a topic you would like to see covered, drop us a line in the form below.
Be sure to subscribe to the Freelance Forum using your preferred podcast player.
Don’t forget to check out the archives of recordings from previous seasons and events.
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