“Putting the Broads into Broadcasting” – 2012 events

Thanks for all your support over the last year. The Women on Air group has really taken flight so we’re expanding our offering to members. Membership is divided roughly into two categories — female area experts who would like to become Radio/ TV contributors and those already working in media. With this in mind, we’re planning some interesting events for both groups next year:


Panelist Boot Camp — can you take the pain? Two national radio producers and a presenter will recreate the studio setting for contributors, grill them “live” and let them sit in on the editorial meeting afterwards that assesses their performance. Contact Helen@clearink.ie for more details.

Media Mentors — getting advice straight from the producer’s mouth. In 2012, a few WOA members will be matched to Radio/ TV producers for an informal mentoring programme. The producer will commit to three months of mentoring (one cup of coffee, two phone calls and three to four e-mails). Contact Helen@clearink.ie to apply.

The programme will help you:
· understand how producers make decisions
· identify what you are pitching – a cause, a product, your expertise
· figure out who you should be pitching to and how to get their attention
· get insider tips on what you will be expected to deliver on air

Perfect Pitch — crafting your pitch to producers. Natasha Fennell, Director of Stillwater Communications is offering Women on Air members a special discounted rate on media training. This will equip you with the skills to identify and develop your story, select the correct media outlet for it and then pitch and deliver it with confidence. Contact Bronagh@stillwater.ie for more information.

Media Professionals

Of course, we won’t ignore those already working in media and hope to attract more high-profile speakers in 2012. Please let us know which speakers might interest you. Email helen@clearink.ie with suggestions. Some people we’ve spoken to already include: David McWilliams, Olivia O’Leary, Clare Byrne and Kathryn Thomas.

Committee members

The committee is here to help you. If you ever need any advice about getting on air, or supportive cheerleaders for your on air gigs please contact us.

Chairperson – Margaret E. Ward: Margaret@clearink.ie
Treasurer – Sinead Ryan
Secretary – Eleanor Fitzsimons
Helen McCormack: helen@clearink.ie
Andrea Pappin
Barbara Scully
Bronagh Walsh
Denise Deegan
Emily Sheerin
Jane Suiter
Lyndsey O’Neill
Special advisor – Yvonne Judge