NUJ women’s conference Ireland – STILL LOCKED OUT?

Saturday 21 September 2013

A conference for women members of the NUJ in Ireland is being held on Saturday 21 September 2013 at the Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1.nuj100

The conference will start from 12 noon with registration and refreshments and will conclude at approximately 17.30 with food, drinks and a social/networking.

We are pleased to announce that speakers including Anthea McTeirnan, Naomi Long MP, Emma O Kelly, Michelle Stanistreet, Dr Ida Milne, Dr Mary Cullen and others have agreed to participate.

We have sent an email to all women members in Ireland announcing the conference giving information on times and speakers. Those wishing to attend should email Lena Calvert, NUJ equality officer at stating if they have any access or dietary requirements.

It is important that we make this conference a success, so please help in any way you can by delegating or encouraging your women members to attend and by giving the conference publicity in newsletters, blogs, facebook, tweets – please promote the event to your networks.

Further information on the conference can be found on the NUJ website