NUJ Recruitment Training Day

As part of the Irish Recruitment Strategy a Recruitment Training Day will be held for NUJ activists on Thursday, 20 September in the Teachers’ Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1.

In order to accommodate those travelling from outside Dublin, it will begin at 10.30am and finish at 4.30pm. The aim of the event will be to provide those attending with practical advice on the best methods of recruiting people into the NUJ.

Spaces on this training day are limited and we are offering members of the Irish Executive Council, branch recruitment officers, and branch chairs first refusal at attending this event. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis in the first instance, although this may have to be revised if there is over-representation of some branches at the event to the exclusion of others.

If you wish to attend this event please email requesting a place be reserved for you. This should be done before 5.30pm on Monday 10 September.

Further information about the recruitment training day will follow after you have reserved your place.