Meet the Candidates / Dublin Freelance branch meeting

Suffering from post-presidential election blues? Never mind, there’s another election just around the corner.

Ballot papers are now being issued for the election of a new Deputy General Secretary of the NUJ. Three candidates are seeking your vote: Barry Fitzpatrick, Helen Gavaghan and Chris Youett.

Irish members will have an opportunity to meet the candidates at a hustings meeting hosted by Dublin branches on Monday next 28 November at 6.30pm. Each candidate will give an opening address and there will be a Q&A session.

The venue is the United Arts Club, 3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 with Gerry Curran, Cathaoirleach, IEC in the chair.

Come along and tell your comrades. It’s a chance to meet candidates and to have a pre-Christmas drink in convivial surroundings.


Please note that a brief Dublin Freeelance branch meeting will take place in the margins of this event, and this replaces the meeting tentatively arranged for December 5. All non urgent business will be deferred to the agm on January 23, 2012. Note that the venue for this branch meeting is the United Arts Club, not the usual venue of Buswells Hotel.