Freelance Forum Spring 2022

nujFFFreelance Forum is coming back!

After two years of online events, the Freelance Forum is back as a live event. The first in-person Freelance Forum since October 2019 will take place on Monday 11 April 2022. Reserve your place today.

The Spring 2022 Series will consist of a half-day in person event at Technological University of Dublin, and a series of podcasts covering topics of relevance. While the TUD venue is larger than previously, a fewer places than usual will be available in order to minimise risks due to Covid. FFP2 masks and hand gel will also be provided.

Freelance Forum is a regular one day event designed to keep freelance journalists up to date with the latest developments in their industry. Aimed at writers, photographers and PR practitioners, and hoping to cover print, broadcast and online media, it is organised by Dublin Freelance NUJ branch with support from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.

Time: 10.00AM – 1.00PM
Date: Monday 11 April 2022
Venue: Room EQ-116, Grangegorman East Quad building,
Technological University of Dublin, Grangegorman, dublin 7

The programme of events is available here [Forum Programme]. Keep an eye on this page as we hope to add extra guests closer to the date.


  • Opening Address by Padraig O’Morain, writer and psychotherapist
  • Book-writing for journalists with Rachael English, Journalist, broadcaster and author; Cormac O’Keeffe, Journalist and author.
  • Rory Byrne, Founder, Security First on covering recent trends in digital and physical threats facing freelance journalists and media organisations.
  • Commissioning Editors: What they want in a pitch, with Deirdre O’Shaughnessy, News Editor, Irish Examiner; Sam Tranum, Co-Founder, Dublin Inquirer.

Attendance at the Forum is €5 for NUJ members, and €10 for non members.

If you have any queries or would like to arrange a block booking, contact

The programme of events is available here [Forum Programme].

FREELANCE FORUM SPRING 2022 has now concluded. We hope you enjoyed the event. Selected recordings from some of the sessions will be uploaded to the Freelance Forum podcast in the coming weeks, along with new original interviews.

If you have any queries or would like to arrange a block booking, contact