Defamation and Court Reporting

A free Seminar on Defamation and Court Reporting that will be held starting at 11am at the new Criminal Courts of Justice building in Dublin 8 on Saturday 30 November 2013.

The event, which is supported by the four Dublin branches of the NUJ, is free and open to all NUJ members throughout Ireland.

Four Courts, Dublin. Image via Flickr/paulafunnell

Four Courts, Dublin.
Image via Flickr/paulafunnell

This is a rare opportunity to learn from experts in their respective fields and get practical advice on the issues they will be addressing.

We strongly urge our members to take advantage of what will be a informative seminar featuring many experts in the field of journalism.

Four speakers will address specific topics and there will be a Q&A session after each speaker’s presentation.

  • Séamus Ó Tuathail, SC:

The Defamation Act.

  • Bernie Grogan, Deputy Press Ombudsman:

The Defamation Act, Court Reporting and the Office of the Press Ombudsman.

  • Liam Ryan, Production and Design Editor, The Irish Times:

Captions, Headlines and Court Reporting.

  • Gerry Curran, Media Relations Officer, Courts Service of Ireland:

Practical Tips for Court Reporting and Avoiding Contempt.

The facilitators will be Therese Caherty, Dublin Branch and Séamus Dooley, Irish Secretary and former court reporter.

Please note that places on this seminar are limited and those wishing to attend should email before Thursday, November 28 at 5PM. Participants may consider seeking expenses from their employers.