Branch meeting: NUJ Dublin Freelance 27 June 2011

The next Dublin Freelance branch meeting will be held on Monday 27 June 2011 at 7pm in Buswell’s Hotel.

Note that we will be making motions and selecting delegate nominations for the upcoming Irish Biennial Delegate Meeting to be held on Saturday 8 October 2011. We will also be nominating up to five members for the Irish Executive Council at our branch meeting.

Please contact a committee member if you have a motion you wish to present to the branch, be a BDM delegate, or would like to be on the Irish Executive Council and will not be attending the branch meeting.

Likewise, if you have any items you wish to add to the agenda then contact a committee member as soon as possible.


1. Membership:
– Elections
– Apologies
2. Minutes last meeting
3. Matters arising from minutes
4. Treasurer’s report
5. Motions of Biennial Delegate Meeting on Saturday 8 October 2011 (closing date for motions is Friday 8 July 2011)
6. Nomination of delegates for the Biennial Delegate Meeting
7. Nomination of up to five members for the Irish Executive Council
8. Reports from the DM (Delegate Meeting) in Southport in April
9. Dates for future Dublin Freelance Branch meetings