What next? Freelance Forum and the Future

Below are just some of the topics we’ve covered at Freelance Forum since 2008. What do you want to see next? A second look at a subject we covered before? A new topic we haven’t thought of yet? Drop a line and let us know. Planning begins now for Freelance Forum Spring 2015.nujFF

Highlights from the story so far

Sixteen Commissioning editors talking about pitching skills and what they’re looking for. Freedom of Information. The Simon Cumbers Fund. The Mary Raftery Fund. Crowdfunding. Writing your own novel. Accounts, VAT and income tax. Copyright and dealing with copyright infringement. Pricing your time. New media: blogs and researching as a Google power-user. Pitching for broadcast: The BAI Sound & Vision Fund. Taxes: Self-assessment. Self-publishing and e-publishing. Hyperlocal journalism. The Press Council and the Ombudsman. Working across multiple media: podcasts, video. Ghostwriting.