Radio Gear

In response to queries at Getting on Air, Aileen O’Meara write about some of the hardware and software you’ll need to produce work of broadcast quality. [Note that inclusion on this list does not imply any endorsement by the National Union of Journalists, Dublin Freelance Branch, or the maintainers of this website.

Hi Folks,

Here is the list of recording gear you would need to get to bring you to broadcast standard.
The prices are from the Audio Warehouse in Raheny, do be sure to mention my name to John when and if you give him a call.
Ten or more orders will bring a discount, so if you are thinking of buying from here, maybe you should liaise through the branch??
John didn’t give me the price for the “basic” Zoom I showed you yesterday; it’s called a Zoom H2, and it’s a little over a hundred euros.
Go online to have a look at the machines mentioned below.

Recording Gear

Zoom H4N………………………..€270.00
Marantz PMD661……………..€540.00

AKG D230 & W23 & lead…..€210.00

AKG K77…………………………….€45.00


I use the Hindenburg editing software, which is a similar but better system than Audacity.  Very fast for editing when you get the knack of it. It only came out last year, and is specifically designed for journalists.
It costs 85 euros, and you download it straight to your computer and can put it on a few machines for that price.

And remember:  click on HOME USERS… and try the free tutorial!

Good luck with the recording and the editing!
If there’s a group of you who want a few hours extra time with me, and if you are prepared to come to my office in Dun Laoghaire some evening, we could manage something.  Best first of all though to keep at it yourselves for a while until you have got the hang of it.