Information Law 2017: First Annual Conference

Information law is an emerging area of law dealing with public access to information, the right to privacy and the balance between the two. It includes Freedom of Information, Access to Environmental Information, Re-use of Public Sector Information, Data Protection and other laws affecting information access and control. This unique half-day event is the first opportunity for lawyers, FOI Officers, journalists and others interested in the field to hear from experts about the most recent developments and the outlook for this fast-developing area of law.

Scales of Justice

Image via MorgueFile


Linda NíChualladh – Counsel, Regulatory and Competition, An Post
Elizabeth Dolan – Senior Investigator, Office of the Information Commissioner
Conor Ryan – Investigative journalist, RTÉ
John Kenny BL – Barrister-at-Law, Law Library of Ireland
Niall Mulligan – FOI Central Policy Unit, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Date and Time

Thu 23 March 2017
08:30 – 13:00 GMT

Hilton Hotel
Charlemont Place

Dublin 2

Tickets available at Eventbrite