Getting On Air, an introductory training event for print journalists interested in expanding into radio and documentary production, took place on 12 September 2011 in DIT Aungier Street. The event closed with a panel discussion covering the current state of play in the industry, the opportunities and challenges.
We would like to thank everyone who made the day possible, the trainers Mary Mulvihill from Ingenious Ireland and Aileen O’Meara from Andec Communications, Paula Geraghty from Dublin Press & PR Branch NUJ, Gerard Cunningham from Dublin Freelance branch NUJ, Brian O’Neill, Harry Browne and Michael Foley from DIT School of Media, the panelists who have their time to the discussion you are about to hear, the Dublin Freelance and Broadcasting branches of the National Union of Journalists, who supplied funding for the project, and all those whose participation and feedback made the day worthwhile.
Members of the NUJ took this initiative to address members needs for information and upskilling for an ever changing media landscape. There are many challenges, the NUJ through its members are addressing them. But the NUJ is its members, so let your branch know if you would like to see a similar event take place – or organise offer to one yourself.
Some useful links:
Mary Muvihill – Ingenious Ireland
Audacity – free and open source audio editing software
Broadcasting Authority of Ireland: Sound and Vision
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