Category: Updates

Do you work with a lens?

The NUJ’s delegate meeting has decided that there should be a new National Executive position to represent photographers. To elect such a person, the union needs to make sure that its list of photographers is up to date, and for…

Submitting Sound & Vision proposals to RTE Radio 1

Lorelei Harris (Editor, Independent Radio Productions, RTE) has invited independent radio producers to send proposals which she will consider supporting in the upcoming Sound & Vision Radio Round 12 (closing date 28 October 2011). She has confirmed that for this…

Opportunities for documentary funding

RTE Arts: Call For Ideas 2012 As part of an overall strategy to renew and refresh arts programming on RTÉTV, RTE Factual urgently requires ideas for high-impact cultural TV events and series for 2012 and beyond. For more details click…

‘Tribune’ freelances win rights

Seven former Sunday Tribune workers have had their employment status recognised after they took cases to a Rights Commissioner. The decision clears the way for them to apply for redundancy payments and other entitlements from the State Insolvency Fund. Full…

Freelance Ready Reckoner

Andrew Bibby, a UK-based freelance journalist, produces the Freelance Ready Reckoner. Although numbers for both jurisdictions are not exactly comparable due to differences in taxation levels, inflation, cost of living etc, you may find it a useful aid. Andrew writes:…

Awards for Dublin Freelance member

Congrats to Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, member of Dublin Freelance branch of the NUJ, who was recently voted Best Scottsh Football Website, Best Scottish Football Journalist and Best Scottish Football Article of 2010 in the inaugural Tartan Blog Awards.