Category: Events

NUJ summer party

The NUJ in RTE and the Irish Times are co-hosting a party for all Dublin based NUJ Journalists. The theme is ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’. There will be DJ’s specialising in East Med/North African sounds, food too (from the region,…

Notice: Dublin Freelance branch meeting

Next meeting of NUJ Dublin Freelance branch can propose motions for the Dublin biennial delegate conference in October 2011, nominate delegates for that conference and also members of the next Irish Executive Council. Please be there on Monday 27 June,…

Frank Dillon at Freelance Forum

Extracts from Frank Dillon‘s presentation at Freelance Forum 2011: Freelance journalists should see themselves as micro-businesses and should apply the same disciplines as a small professional practice would to the service of their clients. They should also specialise in a…

Joint meeting of Dublin Freelance and P & PR

Dublin Freelance and Dublin P & PR branch are hosting a joint meeting at Buswells hotel Dublin on Monday 9 May at 7pm. The main item for discussion is a motion proposing a reorganisation of branches. The hope is that…

NUJ Protest over Sunday Tribune Closure

DUBLIN branch of the NUJ is organising a symbolic protest outside the offices of the Sunday Tribune newspaper tomorrow (Thursday February 24th) to mark the closure of the newspaper. The protest begins at 1.15pm and will be followed by a…

Dublin Freelancer launches self-published book on struggle to save St Luke’s

‘We are working towards developing one of the most advanced networks of radiation oncology in the world’ – National Cancer Control Programme press office. But health analyst and contributor Marie O’Connor, says: ‘Cancer sufferers will soon be treated like commodities,…

ScraperWiki Q&A

If you’ve ever wondered what “data journalism” is or how new technologies are influencing investigative journalism and beat reporting then you might want to shimmy on down to Buswell’s Hotel at 7pm tonight. Scraperwiki is giving a FREE talk about…

Data Journalism /Branch Meeting

Two speakers will give a presentation on Data Journalism at the next Dublin Freelance branch meeting at 7pm on Monday 15 November 2010 at Buswells Hotel in Dublin. Francis Irving and Julian Todd will speak about Data Journalism: Mining the…

Book agents

If you’re looking to place a book with an agent, Sheila Crowley, London-based agent, and two Irish publishers, Brian Langan from Transworld Ireland and Jean Harrington of the Irish Publishers Association are giving a talk to Irish PEN ( this…